About Rae

I’m a maker, a dreamer, a writer, a coder, and a doodler living with bipolar disorder.
Which is to say: I wear a lot of hats. Bipolar Disorder (Bipolar II, specifically!) goes hand in hand with ADHD, which gives me access to both mania from the Bipolar and hyperfixations from the ADHD. I’ve narrowed down my primary interests to illustrating, writing, coding, and Cats the Musical, but honestly, anything goes for what might be my newest fascination. When I decide to fix on something, I fix on something, and that is when things get made. Here is a more official sounding about me:
Rae Stilwell is a digital designer and author who creates websites, illustrations, and books from the World of the Aegeans which she writes alongside her coauthor, Renee Peters. She graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science from Murray State University and received her Master’s in Science from the University of Denver. Rae has been everything from a server, to a banker, to owning her own business as a web designer and digital artist for hire. She lives in Kentucky with her cat and dog, Rico and Charlie. Find her online at www.raestilwell.com.
Ten Things About Rae
- I was born on September 28, 1991.
- My favorite teas are English Breakfast at home, Vanilla Chai in the streets.
- My first and favorite job was working in an amusement park (I served turkey legs).
- I am notoriously bad at finishing things. Games, art, books. I don’t like it when things end.
- My favorite video games are Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask, and the Sims.
- The first thing I ever remember writing was a Thomas the Train fanfiction for my little brother.
- I volunteered at a dog shelter one time and came home with a dog.
- I once got lost in my hometown. There is exactly one traffic light, and I drove away from it.
- My favorite book series of all time is The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix.
- My grandmother and I never miss an episode of 90 Day Fiance.
You can get in touch with me by contacting me, or stay in touch by subscribing to my newsletter. I can’t wait to say hello to you!